Test home by Urbandale and Carleton to study new energy-saving ideas
Behold! The house of the future.
Dr. Beausoleil-Morrison is the project lead for the newly built Urbandale Centre for Home Energy Research, a custom-built 1,600-square-foot two-storey house at Carleton that is providing opportunities to test innovations in solar energy and explore other zero-carbon technologies.
Click here to view the article in the National Post
Click here to view the article in the Globe and Mail
Carleton Engineering Professor Cynthia Cruickshank Receives the CMHC Award for Excellence in Education
Cynthia Cruickshank, associate professor in the research intensive Faculty of Engineering and Design at Carleton University, has won the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC) – Excellence in Education Award to honour outstanding educational contributions to sustainable practices.
The award recognizes educators who have integrated sustainable concepts in housing and community development into the academic curriculum. In addition to her ongoing research and dedication to teaching, Cruickshank’s genuine care for the future is demonstrated in her involvement with Team Ontario’s 2013 U.S. Department of Energy Solar Decathlon project, a partnership between Carleton University, Queen’s University and Algonquin College. As a result of her involvement with the project and the success of the team, Cruickshank was invited to serve as a member of the engineering jury for the 2015 competition.
Click here for more information
Publications of IEA SHC Task 40/EBC Annex 52 highlighted on Global Solar Thermal Energy Council website
IEA SHC Task 40/EBC Annex 52 had a large number of Network researchers and students, including the Operating Agent Josef Ayoub and the editors of an advanced book on modeling, design and optimization of NZEBs, Andreas Athienitis and Liam O'Brien.
Click here to view the article on the Global Solar Thermal Energy Council website
Bucking, Athienitis and Zmeureanu received ASHRAE Technical Paper Award
"Scott Bucking, Ph.D., Andreas Athienitis, Ph.D., Eng., and Radu Zmeureanu, Eng., Ph.D., receive an award for “Multi-Objective Optimal Design of a Near Net Zero Energy Solar House.”
Bucking is an Assistant Professor, Civil Engineering and Architecture, Carleton University, Athienitis is a professor and NSERC/Hydro Quebec Industrial Research Chair & Scientific Director, NSERC SNEBRN, Concordia University, Zmeureanu is a Professor, Concordia University." - Source: ASHRAE Insights, June 2015
Click here to view the Annual ASHRAE Conference Program in Atlanta Georgia.
K.G. Terry Hollands receives honorary doctorate from Concordia University
K.G. Terry Hollands
Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science - June, 2015

Source: Concordia University News
In his addess to Concordia’s Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science, solar energy pioneer K. G. Terry Hollands — a distinguished professor emeritus at the University of Waterloo — invoked the importance of being creative in the pursuit of scientific knowledge.
“Creativity leads to innovation, innovation leads to productivity, and productivity leads to prosperity, which is what we all want,” he said.
“Creativity has three stages: the struggling stage, the epiphany, and the commitment stage. We get the most pleasure out of the epiphany, but the overall process gives many rewards.”
Click here to view the video of Dr. Terry Hollands' convocation address, with an introduction by Dr. Andreas Athienitis, SNEBRN Scientific Director
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